Can-C™K9 Eye Drops

These eye drops are based on the original Can-C formula.


Can-C™ Active Ingredients:

Glycerine (lubricant) 1.0% w/v

Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (lubricant) 0.3% w/v

Non Active Ingredients:

N-Acetyl-Carnosine (NAC) 1.0% w/v

Sterile Water (Ophthalmic Grade, pH 6.7 to 6.9)

Potassium Bicarbonate and Boric Acid (PH Balancing)

Purified Benzyl Alcohol (Preservative) 0.3% w/v

Firstly, let your dog smell the bottle before you attempt treatment, but don't let them bite it or play with it unattended. Give them a small treat, then:

  1. If you are right-handed, use the finger and thumb of your left hand to hold the eyelid open.
  2. Hold the medication in your right hand and bring it towards the eye from the side.
  3. Put one drop into the eye, being careful not to touch the eye itself.
  4. If you are left-handed, reverse the directions.
  5. Give them another small treat after the first few occasions you apply the drops until they are completely accustomed to treatment.

If the dog is particularly uncooperative:

  1. Hold your pet securely.
  2. Firmly put one hand around your dog's muzzle and tilt their head upright.
  3. Holding the bottle of drops, approach your dog's eye from behind the head. By doing it like this, your dog will not get stressed at the sight of the eye drops.

Thankfully, there are treatment options available to protect the eyesight of our beloved pets and even help restore their vision. As a pet parent, you can follow a treatment plan to reduce their visual impairment and improve their quality of life. Here are some suggestions that have proven to be highly successful.

Pay attention to your pet’s diet

Ensure that your dog's diet includes nutrient-dense foods. Carrots and sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, a compound that promotes the production of Vitamin A and supports healthy eyes. Eggs contain lutein, which protects the eyes from sun damage and may improve visual acuity.

Add movement to your dog’s daily routine

Getting at least an hour of exercise each day is crucial to ensure that our dogs' bodies stay youthful and healthy as they age. Physical activity helps improve blood circulation, maintain a healthy heart, and strengthen the immune system. Engaging in activities such as walking, running, or playing is essential for our dogs' physical well-being, as well as their overall happiness and mood. Additionally, it is important to provide them with lutein-containing foods if they will be exposed to the sun for extended periods of time.

Canine vision supplements

As dogs age, their eyesight is often one of the first things to deteriorate. Research has shown that specific amino acids, antioxidants, and vitamins can reduce the severity of age-related ocular diseases. One such ingredient is N-Acetyl-Carnosine (NAC). Treatment with NAC has been proven to positively impact both the reversal and prevention of canine cataracts. In our Can-C K9™ eye drops, we utilize NAC and other proven ingredients. Clinical trials have demonstrated that these ingredients protect against and even repair common age-related eye conditions in dogs, including:

  • Cataracts, which cause clouding of the eye lens
  • Glaucoma, which leads to optic nerve damage
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration, a gradual loss of central vision
  • Dry Eye Syndrome, which causes irritation due to a lack of eye lubrication

Cataracts are a direct result of oxidative stress

N-acetyl-carnosine acts as a potent antioxidant on a lens affected by cataracts. When applied to the surface of the eye, N-acetyl-carnosine penetrates the cornea near the cataract and is metabolized into L-carnosine. By using Can-C NAC eye drops, you can address the main cause of cataracts in dogs and potentially reverse or prevent the progression of cataracts, thereby improving vision and quality of life.

Can-C K9™ scores high in canine clinical trials:

Studies have shown that N-Acetyl-Carnosine (NAC) has a positive effect on lens clarity affected by age-related cataracts. It can help clear up previously clouded areas and is an effective treatment that can lead to improved vision. Additionally, it can help prevent the development of cataracts.

  1. Clinical studies observed improved visual behaviour in animals within weeks of treatment.
  2. 96% of canine eyes treated with N-acetyl-carnosine (Can-C) showed notable improvements.
  3. Dogs with both immature and ripe cataracts demonstrated significant visual improvement.
  • Pay attention to changes in your pet's behaviour.
  • Reduced eyesight will make it difficult for them to find their toys when thrown.
  • Does your pet appear to keep bumping into things unexpectedly? Dogs with impaired eyesight will appear clumsy as they are less aware of their surroundings.
  • Does your dog seem to have less energy? This can be caused by various factors, but a loss of confidence and general anxiety due to their inability to see will contribute to this, reducing the motivation to be active.
  • Changes in your dog's eyes, such as cloudy pupils or tearing, could be early symptoms of cataracts or dry eyes, which can lead to more serious vision problems.
  • Does your dog have to sniff around to find their food? This will make eating more challenging and can result in rushed or missed meals, both of which will impact your dog's long-term health, attitude, and weight management.

Just like pet owners, dogs can develop health issues as they age, including vision problems like macular degeneration. Underlying health conditions such as diabetes can also cause specific problems like glaucoma and cataracts, which are leading causes of vision loss in dogs. Unfortunately, dogs cannot communicate when they are experiencing vision loss, so it is important for us to be vigilant for key indicators of vision loss or changes in behaviour. Early detection and intervention are crucial in treating and reversing age-related vision problems.

N-Acetylcarnosine (Can-C™) eye drops have been researched for over a decade, initially in animals, and have been used for many years in Russia, China, Europe, and the US without any reported side effects or complications that we are aware of. The antioxidant properties of N-acetylcarnosine (Can-C K9™) appear to soothe and improve the overall health of dog eyes.

Can-C™ is manufactured in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Procedures) facility that was originally approved by the inventor, Dr. Mark Babizhayev, who also complies with general FDA guidelines. However, only the lubricants (Carboxymethylcellulose sodium & Glycerin) are approved by the FDA for ophthalmic use. Can-C is not yet FDA approved for the treatment of human or canine cataracts or other eye conditions, as the clinical trials have been conducted on a small scale and primarily in Russia over the last decade. Therefore, N-Acetylcarnosine (1%) is listed as an inactive ingredient on the label.

You can read our separate note regarding FDA approval on this site, which helps explain the difficulty of getting any drug approved for smaller manufacturers, however effective the product is believed to be.

Can-C K9™ is an excellent solution for animals that are not eligible for surgery. It has been successfully used to treat cataracts in domestic animals of all sizes. Since Can-C™ is derived from the human equivalent, we recommend reducing the dosage. If your dog is particularly small, consider further reducing the dosage for added safety. Once you observe that your pet is responding well to the drops, you can potentially increase the dosage slightly to enhance effectiveness.

Can-C K9™ is not only used for canine cataracts. When used according to the product instructions, there is a high probability that the product will be safe for your dog and improve their vision or reduce eye conditions. We cannot provide precise percentages as the product has not undergone FDA approved trials. However, we encourage you to review feedback on our site or elsewhere, noting the absence of negative reviews. Even the FakeSpot review system, which assesses sites like Amazon, confirms minimal issues with fake reviews.

Just like any medical treatment, the progress will depend on the severity of the illness at the start of treatment and the interaction with other medications. It is important to continue other treatments recommended by your professional clinicians.

Consistent application is crucial for successful outcomes in the mentioned scenarios, and it can make a significant difference in the results. Initial improvements are typically reported within the first 2-3 months, and optimal results are usually achieved within 6-12 months of use. Once the desired level of improvement has been reached, it is advised to reduce the daily dose in the treated eye/s to maintain eye health.

In human clinical trials, individuals who had cataracts for less than seven years experienced the most significant results. However, even those who had cataracts for seven to 15 years typically achieved good results. On the other hand, individuals who had cataracts for more than 15 years experienced less dramatic improvements. This information indicates that initiating treatment at the earlier stages of cataract development can lead to somewhat improved outcomes. However, with more mature cataracts, it may take a little longer to achieve comparable results.

As mentioned earlier, it is not possible to provide precise or guaranteed figures for various reasons. However, based on feedback, it is generally believed that cataracts can be significantly improved if detected early. In the case of very advanced cataracts, there is usually a substantial improvement in eyesight, although complete reversal may not be possible depending on the severity of the condition. An improvement in your pet's behaviour and navigational abilities is typically a positive sign that the desired outcome is being achieved. Additionally, you may be able to visually observe the shrinking or drying up of the cataract or other eye condition by looking into your pet's eye.

In animals, cataracts are easily visible externally, allowing you to observe their shrinking over time if improvement is occurring as expected. The shrinkage typically starts from the outer edge and progresses inwards. This means that your pet may first experience improvements in their peripheral vision. However, the behaviour of your pet is the best indicator of progress. As their sight returns and their ability to navigate their surroundings improves, you should notice an increase in confidence, mood, and overall behaviour. In short, your pet should become happier over time.

After 6 months, if you are unsure, it may be a good idea to visit your vet to determine whether it is time to switch to the maintenance dose of 1 drop daily or to continue a little longer with the reversal dose of 3-4 drops daily (less for very small dogs). However, don't be surprised if your vet or other professionals are unfamiliar with Can-C K9™. It is not typically in their commercial interest to endorse a product that reduces the likelihood of surgery.

With this formula, which has been used in a decade of human and animal clinical trials, no side effects or contraindications have been reported, even with daily use for up to 2 years. Generally, the use of this natural antioxidant formulation is soothing and improves the overall eye environment.

To reverse cataract, it typically takes 3-4 drops daily over a period of 3-12 months. However, preventing the re-growth of cataract requires significantly fewer drops. Once the optimal level of reversal has been achieved, only one drop daily should be sufficient to prevent the return of cataracts. By using the product in this way, it will last longer and be more cost-effective in maintaining the health of your pets' eyes.

It is important to note that if you discontinue the use of the product entirely, the same imbalance that allowed the cataract to form in the first place will still be present in your pet. Unfortunately, this means that the cataract is likely to return within a relatively short period of time. To prevent this, regular application of n-acetylcarnosine to the eye is necessary.

Additionally, it is worth considering other factors that may contribute to this underlying health issue. We encourage pet owners to critically evaluate the diet and exercise routines of their pets. Making improvements in these areas can only benefit their long-term well-being.

Each box of Can-C K9™ contains two 5ml vials, and each 5ml vial contains approximately 75 drops. When treating degenerative ocular conditions like cataracts, one box will last around four to five weeks with 3-4 drops in each affected eye daily. For preventive or maintenance use, only one drop in each eye daily is required, so one box of Can-C K9™ will last approximately 8-10 weeks. These durations may be shorter if an additional early boost is used or if drops are applied wastefully, but they may be longer for smaller dogs.

You can become a part of our referral program to help us promote Can-C™K9 and earn referral commissions for your efforts. Contact us at [email protected] to get started.

We offer professional discounts to physicians and veterinarians, allowing them to supply and monitor their patients. Please contact us for more details.

Due to the added buffers, the pH levels of Can-C K9™ are designed to be as close to the body's own as practicable. Hence, there should be minimal stinging effects. However, both dogs and their owners are not exactly familiar with liquid being dropped straight into their eyes, so it will take a while for some familiarity to occur. Because the product should lead to improvements for your dog in a fairly quick timescale, many owners report that their pet actually becomes eager for their daily drops. And of course, it's also an opportunity for a bit of owner-pet bonding time. From all of this, we can therefore assume that the dogs feel some relief with the application of Can-C K9™ on a regular basis.

No, the drops are delivered directly from the vial without the need for syringes. To apply the drops, keep your pet calm and prevent them from shaking the drops out of their eye. Many pet owners find it easiest to lightly gather the lower eyelid between their thumb and forefinger, creating a small pocket to apply the eye drop into. Then, lightly rest your hand over your pet's face to keep them calm for a few moments. During this time, the drops should spread gently around the eye with minimal liquid loss.

Diabetic-induced cataracts are typically more aggressive and persistent. However, users have reported that consistent application of treatment can lead to initial improvements within 6-8 weeks, depending on the maturity of the cataract. It's important to note that diabetes will continue to affect your dog's eye health unless other health-related factors are addressed. Therefore, we also recommend a lower maintenance dose of one drop per day to each eye once optimal results have been achieved in order to reduce the chances of the cataract recurring.

Benzyl alcohol has long been used in ocular formulations as an FDA-approved preservative. It is not simply alcohol applied as an inert element, but rather carefully balanced with other ingredients. In clinical trials conducted by Innovative Vision Products, various formulations were tested with different preservatives and sources of NAC (N-acetylcarnosine). One particular combination outperformed all expectations and parameters. Interestingly, this formulation included benzyl alcohol as a preservative along with a unique source and purity level of NAC.

Claims that benzyl alcohol causes burning do not take into account the importance of maintaining a critical pH balance in ocular formulations. It is the incorrect pH balance, not the preservative itself, that can lead to burning with some ocular formulations. We have not heard of any complaints of burning with Can-C K9™, which is why many customers use it for various eye conditions. Can-C K9™ has a patented formulation that distinguishes it from other NAC alternatives. It has undergone extensive testing over the years with no reported side effects, although it has not been FDA approved (please see notes on that topic).

Competitors employ various tactics to avoid paying royalties and bypass Dr. Babizhayev's patents. However, our connection to the Can-C K9™ manufacturers ensures that all required licenses and payments are adhered to. They utilize the proprietary source of NAC, which is critical to the effectiveness of this formulation. To ensure you have purchased the approved formula, look for the manufacturer's hologram on the packaging and check the label for the statement "Approved by Innovative Vision Products" or its subsidiary, "Profound Products".

Get in Touch

Feel free to reach out to us using the contact form below. We're here to answer any questions you may have and provide assistance for your canine companion's eye health journey. Your furry friend's well-being is our top priority.

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