Can-C™K9 Eye Drops

These eye drops are based on the original Can-C formula.

Safe & Effective Ingredients

Can-C™K9 harnesses the potential of safe and effective ingredients to elevate your dog's eye health. In both healthy human and canine eyes, L-Carnosine naturally resides in high levels, acting as a crucial antioxidant. However, in cases of degenerative ocular diseases, such as cataracts, a deficiency in this vital antioxidant is often observed. Can-C™K9 steps in to replenish your pet's eyes with this potent and natural antioxidant, effectively restoring the eye's natural levels. Our commitment to efficacy is backed by clinical proof, with manufacturers' original studies and trials, as well as numerous published research papers, showcasing promising results. In small-scale placebo-controlled clinical studies spanning 6 months, eyes treated with the specific purified N-Acetyl-Carnosine exhibited remarkable improvements: A staggering 90% showed enhancements in visual acuity, an impressive 89% experienced improved glare sensitivity, and 42% witnessed a notable enhancement in the transmissivity of the lens. Crucially, these improvements endured throughout the treatment duration. For a deeper dive into the scientific details, we invite you to explore our dedicated SCIENCE section.

The Side Effects of Can-C™

The original Can-C™ formula has been used by humans for years with few if any reported downsides beyond expense and a few gripes from ophthalmic professionals who it might be said aren’t exactly unbiased. The K9 product is essentially the same, you just use less in each application, so as we like to say, “It's been tested on humans so is safe for your dog”. Perhaps more accurately we should say we don’t think it’s very likely to do them any harm – how effective it may be is a matter for conjecture, hence we provide lots of links to various research papers.

Can- C Active Ingredients

Can-C™ Active Ingredients:

  • Glycerine (lubricant) 1.0% w/v
  • Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (lubricant) 0.3% w/v

Non Active Ingredients:

  • N-Acetyl-Carnosine (NAC) 1.0% w/v
  • Sterile Water (Ophthalmic Grade, pH 6.7 to 6.9)
  • Potassium Bicarbonate and Boric Acid (PH Balancing)
  • Purified Benzyl Alcohol (Preservative) 0.3% w/v

How to administer Can-C™ Eye Drops To Your Dog or Older Puppy

Can-C™ K9 canine eye drops can help reverse eye disease such as cataracts, glaucoma, dry eyes and problems such as Conjunctivitis made worse by a reduction in natural tear production.

Regular L-Carnosine eye drops cannot penetrate the outer eye, however, the Can-C™ K9 canine eye drops produced exclusively by Profound Products of the UK are combined with an effective carrier which increases absorption safely. The drops are made from the finest ingredients including the highly researched form of N-Acetyl-Carnosine which penetrates the cornea and is the only N-Acetyl-Carnosine (NAC) drops that have been clinically tested to have a 96% effective rate on dogs making them one of the best treatment options.

Administering the drops can quickly improve your dog's vision and quality of life at any age, except for very young puppies. For young puppies, we suggest waiting a while before applying the drops. Applying medications to your own pet is never easy, which is why many people opt for an expensive vet to do it for them. However, with Can-C™ K9, administering regular care to improve an existing problem or prevent further occurrence is not that difficult.

Prior to applying drops to your dog’s eyes, it is important to follow these step instructions:

When introducing eye drops to your dog's routine for the first time, it's important to make the process fun. Show your dog the eye drops, let them smell the vial from a short distance, and give them a treat before administering the first dose. Repeat this a few times before actually applying the drops. It's normal for all eye drops to sting a little, even when they are balanced to be pH neutral. This may come as a shock to your dog, so be prepared for some initial difficulties. Keep giving treats and be persistent, as the process will become easier with time.

If you notice a small amount of redness initially, don't be too concerned as this should pass. However, if the redness doesn't go away quickly, stop using the drops and consult a veterinarian.

Before applying the eye drops, it's important to follow best practices for animal care. Clean your dog's eyes of any foreign matter or eye discharge using a clean cloth, soft paper towel, or moistened cotton ball. Be careful not to damage the eye itself. Avoid pushing small foreign bodies into the eye, as this can worsen the problem.

If the vial is stored in the fridge, take it out half an hour before application or run it under a slightly warm tap to bring it closer to room temperature (not warm or hot). Remove the cap from the vial and hold your pet securely, preferably from behind, while applying the drops from above. If you're having difficulty with this method, you can try laying your dog on their back and straddling them to drop the medication from above.

Once your dog's head is secure, gently squeeze the vial until a small drop appears. Align the drop with the eye and squeeze just a little more until the drop falls. Avoid squeezing too much – you're not trying to "jet wash" your dog. Remember to keep the applicator at a distance from the eye to maintain cleanliness and prevent scratching.

Like humans, dogs may blink when something comes near their eyes. Try to minimize blinking by placing your hand over their eye, but be prepared to make multiple attempts to ensure the right amount of liquid stays in the eye. Your technique will improve with time. After application, continue to soothe your dog for a while before moving on to the second eye if necessary.

As your dog's eyesight improves, you should find that they become more responsive to the treatment, making the whole process easier and less stressful for both of you.

For Best Results:

In the first few months of usage, it is recommended to use a higher dose of Can-C™K9 Eye Drops to quickly boost the level of N-Acetyl-Carnosine (NAC) in your pet's eyes. This can then be maintained with a smaller ongoing dose each day. Apply one drop to each eye in the morning, noon, and evening for a total of three drops daily to each affected eye. Aim for this amount to be retained in the eye after accounting for any liquid that may escape or run off.

The sooner a base level of N-Acetyl-Carnosine can be re-established, the sooner you should start to see improvements in your pet's eye condition and behaviour. The initial boost period can last up to six months, depending on the severity of the eye condition and whether your pet experiences any adverse reactions beyond mild discomfort and redness, which is common when trying something new.

Once you begin to see noticeable improvements, you can reduce the dosage to between one and two-thirds as a maintenance dose for ongoing well-being. Any improvements in vision or eye conditions should be reinforced by this maintenance dosage.

While some pet owners report improvements in their pet's vision in as little as three months, and sometimes even within a month, the most significant improvements typically occur between six and twelve months. Consistency in application is key, so if you cannot commit to this length of application, it is best to avoid unnecessary anxiety for your pet and the extra cost of a short-term fix that may not be optimal.

The benefits of Can-C™K9 eye drops are long-lasting. However, if you discontinue use, the same deficiency that caused the ocular condition to form in the first place is likely to return. By consistently using a minimal amount of the product, you can maintain the positive results at around half the original cost.

Can-C™K9 Eye Drops Initial Loading Dose: Apply one drop to each eye in the morning, noon, and night (a total of three drops daily to each affected eye).

Can-C™K9 Eye Drops Maintenance Dose (for general eye health maintenance and ongoing prevention): After 3 to 6 months of use, only one to two drops of Can-C™K9 in each eye are needed daily. It is also recommended to give the eyes (and yourself) a rest every few weeks by taking a few days off from the dosage, reducing ongoing costs. Throughout the process, it is crucial to keep the vial clean and avoid direct contact with the eye, hands, or paws. Store the vial in a tightly closed bottle in the fridge. Discontinue use if the product appears different from when you first opened the bottle.